You’ve probably heard enough about various weight loss products, which along with all your efforts and raw adherence to proper nutrition still do not manage to solve these problems. To finally get rid of excess pounds, to make yourself feel better, safer and healthier, we present you a completely natural and highly efficient Canary or Alpiste Seed (Phalaris canariensis L.) to help you quickly,
easily and safely achieve a magical result in weight loss.
Alpiste Diet – How To Lose Weight With Alpiste Seed Milk
According to its phylogenetic classification, this grain belongs to Poaceae family. According to its morphologic structure, it is a grassy one-year or two-year plant, which grows up to 1 m in height, a hollow tree with the nodes from which new stems move. At the ends, it ends with a flower, which, as a fruit, has a structure filled with 8-10 seeds wrapped in a shell. Bearing in mind that this plant very much likes the sun, it is characteristic for livanda, steppe and savannah.
However, according to its physiological effects, it can be freely stated that this seed represents one of the most powerful natural gifts, which has been used in the diet for more than 6,000 years.
These seeds have an enormous nutritional value (about 100 gm have 534 calories) and a mild taste, which is why they are an unavoidable ingredient in various dishes. They also contain very readily and inseparable fibres, minerals (manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium), vitamins (E and vitamin B complex – riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and folate) and phytoestrogens (antioxidants), then a lot of high-quality proteins, as well as omega-3 fatty acids (linoleic acid, alpha-linoleic and arachidonic acid), as well as omega-6 and omega-9.
What is particularly important to emphasize is that by various medical tests it has been established
that the Alpine seed possesses 27 different anti-carcinogens, giving this product an enormously valuable value for the health of the organism. It is especially important to note that it possesses a powerful capacity of enzymes (primarily lipases) that trigger different enzymatic reactions in the body and protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Hence, it can be said that they also have an antioxidant power. All of these elements contribute to the overall positive effect of canary seed application. What is particularly specific is that it is very easy to verify and that their application has no observed adverse reactions.
Alpiste Benefits – The Health & Weight Loss Benefits of Canary Seed Milk
All of the above-mentioned features of Canary Seed are scientifically proven,
There are a number of medical findings that show that this natural ingredient protects against cancer and infarction in a way that prevents the formation of clots, lowers blood cholesterol levels, strengthens the heart muscle and has the ability to dilute the blood. Also, having a high percentage of antioxidant and antioxidant ingredients helps to improve immunity, in order to successfully manage the body with uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.
In addition, there are studies that specifically emphasize that Canary Seed can be successful in the treatment of breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer. In addition to these, these powerful grains also help to successfully regenerate the intestinal flora, but they can also be used as an excellent laxative and thus enable the elimination of toxins from the body. They are also very useful for the removal of stone and sand from the kidneys. There is information that it is very efficient in solving the problem of gas release. Also, enzymatic capabilities successfully enable regeneration of the liver and pancreas.
It also affects the skeletal system positively, and is particularly recommended for people suffering from any form of arthritis.
Effects of Canary Seed In Weight Loss
In addition to all the effects already mentioned, this natural ingredient is very effectively used in weight loss and it really helps. Primarily because it accelerates on the one hand metabolically, and on the other hand it functions as a diuretic, and thus facilitates the release of excess fluid from the body.
However, the extra phenomenal action that has a high nutritional value, and for a long time holds the sense of satiety, and when the feeling of hunger is not felt, it is easier to thin.
How to Use – Alpiste Seed For Weight Loss
In order to obtain excellent results, different studies have shown that the key role is the
liquid that is produced by soaking canary seed in the water for at least 8 hours. Making this magic drink is extremely easy and involves placing 5 large spoons of Canary Seed in water. After a minimum of 8 hours has passed, it is necessary to drain the liquid. Since it is important to obtain a blubber mass, it is necessary that the flaxseed is sampled in the blender, and then put them in a liquid.
To consolidate the mass, it is necessary to shake several times. After that, you have got your weight loss drink! Since it is very drinkable and pleasant, you can drink it several times a day, depending on the effect you want to achieve. Different nutritionists say that in order to improve the
taste, add some potion and a little honey, probiotic yoghurt or kefir.
To obtain good results, the recommended consumption of the drink is 150 ml. In order for the beverage elements to stimulate the ejection of toxins and water, it is necessary to drink it half an hour before the meal, in order to prepare the organism in order to take over the new amount of foods that digest and process acceleration, and in this way the metabolism is absorbed. It is especially important to note that it is important to make new beverages on a daily basis, since freshly stored beverages have the greatest effect, since in this way the liquid that is obtained contains the most nutritious ingredients derived from flax seed.
According to the views of various nutritionists, the best effects are achieved by the treatment of the use of this drink lasts for 10 days. After that, a 10-day break is recommended, so that the organism does not significantly increase the concentration of biological micro and macro elements. In addition, in this way, an adequate balance in the regulation of body weight is established, and healthy, not quick weight loss is possible. Although each organism is individual and does not lose weight equally, it is necessary to repeat this treatment from 3 to 5 cycles. It is noticeable that with this treatment, the cellulite is easily released from the body, but the skin’s elasticity is also felt, as it contains a lot of nutritive ingredients that feed the skin and make it more taut and harder.
Based on all of the above, it can be concluded that the application of alpiste seeds has a number of positive features that are needed to achieve success in weight loss. However, depending on the number of kilograms you want to take, it is necessary, in order to obtain more effective results, to completely regulate the diet, reduce the use of bread, salt, flour and sugar, and then junk foods, and introduce an increased amount of healthy proteins, fruits and vegetables.
Also, compulsory physical activity is recommended. If this magical drink does not help you lose weight, we strongly recommend that you go to a nutritionist.